
MTP Intelligent Preemption System


MTP Intelligent Preemption Systems play a critical role in enhancing emergency response capabilities by prioritizing the movement of emergency vehicles through intersections, thereby improving public safety and reducing potential delays during critical situations.


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MTP Intelligent Preemption System

MTP Intelligent Preemption System improves emergency response time by reducing traffic delays.

The primary goal of an Intelligent Preemption System is to provide a safe and efficient passage for emergency vehicles responding to emergencies.

It accomplishes this by preemptively changing traffic signals to give priority to approaching emergency vehicles.


The deployment and operation of Intelligent Preemption Systems are subject to local traffic laws and regulations. Authorities must ensure that the use of such systems is coordinated with emergency response protocols and does not compromise overall traffic safety.

Profit of MTP IPS,

  • Improved Response Time,
  • Statistics,
  • Flash-Over curve,
  • Improved Safety & Reduced Liability,
  • Cost Savings in Fire/Rescue and EMS Planning,

Improved Response Time,

The preemption system improves emergency response time by reducing traffic delays.


When all combustibles are heated to their ignition temperature.


Improved Safety & Reduced Liability,

IPS can reduce the chance of an EV crash at a signalized intersection.

Cost Savings in fire/Rescue and EMS Planning,

Improved response time can lead to an improvement in insurance ratings.

How MTP IPS Working,

Adding MTP Adaptor to Cross Controller,

Adding MTP Finder to Firefighter Truck,

Start to change Signal Status,

The intersection is Green for FireFighter,

The signal returns to normal mode,

MTP Intelligent Preemption System Advantages,

No need for any manual operation,

Fully Automatic,

Much Safer and Faster Emergency response,

Provided in a smooth and controlled manner,

Works seamlessly in any weather conditions,

Fastest Signal Cycle Change Possible,

At most 6 seconds for the signal to turn green.

The traffic signal turns back to normal cycle 10 seconds after the vehicle is distanced about 200 meters from the intersections.

The Activation Signal can be sent from the control center even without the presence of the emergency vehicle to reduce the traffic level immediately.

Fully compatible with every traffic signal controller model around the world.


MTP IPS is a Local Technology,

Designed, Manufacturer, and assembled by our engineers in MTP Company.


Useful Points,

MTP is a manufacturer of Traffic Products and Smart Traffic Cameras & Radars.

MTP offers you a wide range of Traffic-Related Products, One stop solution for engineering, electrical, electronic, and technological needs,

You can see Traffic Enforcement Cameras here on Wikipedia.

To Order this product or any other so please Contact us and please follow our social media platforms FacebookInstagramLinkedInTwitter, and YouTube, for any future updates or queries.

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