
Exit Road Violation Radar


MTP-An Exit Road Violation Detector (ERVD) is a traffic enforcement system designed to detect and record violations related to illegal or improper exits from controlled access highways, expressways, toll roads, or other restricted roadways.


Here are MTP Exit Road Violation Radar Sample Videos,

MTP Exit Road Violation Radar Sample Video 1

MTP Exit Road Violation Radar Sample Video 2

MTP Exit Road Violation Radar Sample Video 3

MTP Exit Road Violation Radar Sample Video 4

MTP Exit Road Violation Radar Sample Video 5

MTP Exit Road Violation Detector Data Sheet

For Reference Pictures please visit our Gallery Folder,

To Order this product or any other so please Contact us and please follow our social media platforms FacebookInstagramLinkedInTwitter, and YouTubefor any future updates or queries.


Exit Road Violation Detector and Software,

MTP-Exit Road Violation Detectors are deployed to improve traffic safety, enforce road regulations, and discourage behaviors that pose risks to drivers, pedestrians, and other road users. By detecting and recording violations at exit ramps, these systems contribute to overall traffic management efforts aimed at reducing accidents and enhancing compliance with traffic laws.


Major highways have an exit, and you must approach the exit by taking the first right lane approximately 100 meters away.
Due to heavy traffic in the first right lane and the desire of most drivers to quickly switch to the right road, they would be better off staying in the second lane instead of rushing to the last exit. In this particular situation, there was a significant issue that led to a collision involving the vehicles aligned in the correct laneway as well as the motorist who suddenly switched lanes at the exit. As a result, everyone will complain and grumbled.

We created an intelligent system to make the necessary corrections for this violation.

Our product included,

  1. One Camera
  2. One Processor
  3. One Software
  4. One Post

It can be installed on any fork in the exit road; all we need to do is configure our software so that it works with the particular fork the customer requests.


With the goal to impose penalties on the drivers that violated traffic laws on the Exit Way Road, our camera is able to capture every violation and forward it to the police station.

As you can see, the blue car in the above image is breaking the traffic rules. The video is captured by the camera, and our software instantly identified the violator’s vehicle.

The red line, which we put on our program, is visible in this image. If an automobile crosses it from Lane 2 to Lane 1, its image and video will be recorded for a brief period of time (depending on the client’s desire).

Advantages of the MTP POLAND System,

MTP Poland Exit Road Violation Detector system will solve all of the above faults,

Our software advantages are:

  • Removing the Shadow effect,
  • Removing Human effect,
  • Removing the Trash effect,
  • Removing the Bicycle effect,
  • Removing Animal effects,
  • Removing the Car light effect,
  • Removing Curve effect,
  • Compatible with all brands of camera video: our program can be matched with all brands of cameras so it doesn’t push extra charge to the client if he has an available camera,
  • Sensitivity to Traffic: Only during busy congested times our computer software, which is capable of detecting traffic, automatically activate. Therefore the software can disregard violators if the traffic is not busy. Additionally, our client has the option to change the sensitivity of our program to traffic based on their needs.


  • Power Supply: 210- 240 vac,
  • Maximum Power: 50 watts,
  • Detection violation Day and night,
  • Saving violator car image and video,
  • Online transferring data or manual(optional).

Useful Points,

MTP is a manufacturer of Traffic Products and Smart Traffic Cameras & Radars.

MTP offers you a wide range of Traffic-Related Products, One stop solution for engineering, electrical, electronic, and technological needs,

To Order this product or any other so please Contact us and please follow our social media platforms FacebookInstagramLinkedInTwitter, and YouTubefor any future updates or queries.

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